Quickly harness keyword suggestions from Google utilizing our SERP Scraping API.
To activate this tailored capability, append the engine=google_autocomplete
parameter to your request.
The Google Autocomplete API specializes in rapidly extracting real-time keyword suggestions directly from Google. This makes it an invaluable asset, especially for ventures centered around SEO and Marketing. Engaging with this engine is a breeze - all it necessitates is the inclusion of the q
parameter to pinpoint your target keyword.
Google Autocomplete API Integration Examples
We will use following URL as an example for this request:
Copy https://serp.shifter.io/v1?engine=google_autocomplete&api_key=<YOUR_API_KEY>&q=freecod
Ready to Use Google Autocomplete Scraping Scripts:
cURL NodeJS Python PHP Go Java .NET Ruby
Copy curl --request GET --url "https://sserp.shifter.io/v1?engine=google_autocomplete&api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&q=freecod"
Copy const http = require ( "https" );
const options = {
"method" : "GET" ,
"hostname" : "serp.shifter.io" ,
"port" : null ,
"path" : "/v1?engine=google_autocomplete&api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&q=freecod" ,
"headers" : {}
const req = http .request (options , function (res) {
const chunks = [];
res .on ( "data" , function (chunk) {
chunks .push (chunk);
res .on ( "end" , function () {
const body = Buffer .concat (chunks);
console .log ( body .toString ());
req .end ();
Copy import http . client
conn = http . client . HTTPSConnection ( "serp.shifter.io" )
conn . request ( "GET" , "/v1?engine=google_autocomplete&api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&q=freecod" )
res = conn . getresponse ()
data = res . read ()
print (data. decode ( "utf-8" ))
Copy <? php
$curl = curl_init () ;
curl_setopt_array ( $curl , [
CURLOPT_URL => "https://serp.shifter.io/v1?engine=google_autocomplete&api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&q=freecod" ,
] ) ;
$response = curl_exec ( $curl ) ;
$err = curl_error ( $curl ) ;
curl_close ( $curl ) ;
if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;
Copy package main
import (
func main () {
url := "https://serp.shifter.io/v1?engine=google_autocomplete&api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&q=freecod"
req, _ := http. NewRequest ( "GET" , url, nil )
res, _ := http.DefaultClient. Do (req)
defer res.Body. Close ()
body, _ := ioutil. ReadAll (res.Body)
fmt. Println (res)
fmt. Println ( string (body))
Copy HttpResponse < String > response = Unirest . get ( "https://serp.shifter.io/v1?engine=google_autocomplete&api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&q=freecod" )
. asString ();
Copy var client = new RestClient("https://serp.shifter.io/v1?engine=google_autocomplete&api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&q=freecod");
var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
Copy require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'openssl'
url = URI ( "https://serp.shifter.io/v1?engine=google_autocomplete&api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&q=freecod" )
http = Net :: HTTP . new (url . host , url . port )
http . use_ssl = true
http . verify_mode = OpenSSL :: SSL :: VERIFY_NONE
request = Net :: HTTP :: Get . new (url)
response = http . request (request)
puts response . read_body
Google Autocomplete Parameters
#1: Query Parameter
The keywords that you are searching for on Google (the query).
To access this API, your GET request should be sent to the following address:
Copy https://serp.shifter.io/v1?engine=google_autocomplete&api_key=<YOUR_API_KEY>&q=<KEYWORD>
Response Example
Copy {
"search_parameters" : {
"google_autocomplete_url" : "https://www.google.com/" ,
"engine" : "google_autocomplete" ,
"google_domain" : "google.com" ,
"device" : "desktop" ,
"query" : "freecod"
} ,
"search_information" : {
"autocomplete_results_state" : "Showing completion results."
} ,
"suggestions" : [
"suggestion" : "freecodecamp"
} ,
"suggestion" : "freecodecamp python"
} ,
"suggestion" : "freecodecamp javascript"
} ,
"suggestion" : "freecodecamp review"
} ,
"suggestion" : "freecodecamp java"
} ,
"suggestion" : "freecodecamp vs codecademy"
} ,
"suggestion" : "freecodecamp c++"
} ,
"suggestion" : "freecodecamp certificate"
} ,
"suggestion" : "freecodecamp react"
} ,
"suggestion" : "freecodecamp sql"